Private cars
- 3% claims free vehicle
- 5% with claim record
Minimum premium TZS 250,000
M/ cycle
For the two wheelers
- 5% claim free vehicle
- 6% with claim record
Add TZS 15,000 for two wheelers carrying passengers.
Commercial vehicles
Own goods
- 25% in respect of claim free vehicle
- 75% with claim record. Minimum premium TZS 500,000.
General cartage
- 25% claims free vehicle
- 75% with claim record. Minimum premium as above.
As above
Oil tankers
Steel tankers below 10 years
- 6%, minimum premium TZS 2,000,000 ( excess 15% of sum insured)
Aluminium tankers below 10 years
- 7% as above
Tankers over 10 years old
- 8% as above
Passenger carrying vehicle
Public taxis, private hire, tour operators
- 5%+ TZS 15,000 per seat with no claim record.
- 6%+ TZS 15,000 per seat with claim record, minimum premium TZS 500,000.
Buses- daladala within city
- 7%+ TZS 10,000 per seat.
Buses- up country
- 7%+ TZS 15,000 per seat
Buses- private
- 5%+ TZS 15,000 per seat
Buses- school
- 5%+ TZS 7500 per seat
Special type vehicle
- 2%, minimum TZS 250,000.