Tel. +255 762 100 008 | P.O. Box 173, Arusha – Boma Rd, Clock Tower

  • WHY US?

    We design plans to build a “wall of protection” based on your needs. We begin with a thorough risk analysis and evaluation. We then look for the most reputable and the strongest insurer who can offer us the best package in the most cost effective way.

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  • Motor Insurance Products

    Motor Vehicle Insurance

    Motor vehicles are mechanically propelled machines that run on a public road. Motor insurance covers risks associated with motor vehicles and protects the insured against financial loss in the event that the motor vehicle is involved in an accident, burnt or stolen.


    The risks associated with motor vehicles include:Loss of part or the whole vehicle due to fire, theft or accidental damage.Damage to third party property.Injury to the third party.Death/disability to third party.Medical expenses to third party.Loss of income following an accident (loss of use).Legal costs to defend a claim

    Standard Policy Cover
    Within motor insurance there are three types of cover and five types of policies.


    This policy provides cover for legal liability in respect of death of or bodily injury to any person and damages to third party property.What is covered?Legal costs incurred in the defence of a claimThird party property damage for private carsLimited cover for legal representation costs following a prosecution for a motoring offence which give rise to the claim.Indemnity to passengers, employers or business partners should they held responsible for an accident.Exclusions:Liability covered by any other insurance policy.Damage to property including vehicle held or owned in trust by or in the custodian to control of any person claiming indemnity under the policy.


    It provides cover for legal liability in respect of death of or bodily injury to any person, damage to third party property plus loss or damage to the insured vehicle by theft and/or fire.What is covered?Includes the costs of repairs, the insured of their vehicle is damaged by fire, lightning and explosion.Damage either during attempted theft or whilst it is stolen.Stolen and not recovered.The main reason for individuals who choose this cover do so because they don’t wish to pay higher premium required for comprehensive.But also it has it own exclusions which include:Loss of use any payment the insured may have to make for example use of taxis while the insured car is being repaired.


    Provides cover for legal liability in respect of death of or bodily injury to any person, damage to third party property and any accidental loss or damage to the insured vehicle.What is covered?Third party property damage for private cars.Legal costs incurred in defense of a claimLimited cover for legal representation costs following a prosecution for motoring offence which may give rise to a claim.Stolen and not recovered.Damage either during attempted theft or while it is stolen.Optional extensions:Breakage of glassYoung additional drivers (but being charged additional premium).Loss of use – rental car or allowance while the vehicle is on repairsPersonal accidents benefits to the driver and/or owner and spouseGeographical cover – to East African or specified countries in Africa


    No liability for loss/damage caused,Outside the geographical area.Vehicle is used by unauthorized driver.Losses due to war and allied perils.Radioactive contamination and explosive nuclear assemblyRiot and civil commotionSonic bangs (that is pressure waves from sonic/supersonic aircraft or other aerial device)Pollution and contamination unless arising from a single identifiable event.


     i) Private car policy This policy is issued to vehicles used for social, domestic and use in Connection with the Insured business or profession. This policy irrespective of providing cover to the vehicle and legal liability it also provide for: personal accident cover, towing charges and medical expenses. ii) Motorcycle policy This policy includes all types of motorcycles, mopeds and tricycles iii) Commercial policy This policy is issued to all vehicles other than private cars and motorcycle iv) Motor Trade policy This policy is issued to the Car dealers, vehicle repairs and garages. It provides cover for legal liability if the vehicle or its parts will be damaged or lost while in the hands of the motor trader v) Executive Motor Policy This policy is issued to executives to cover the risks of use of motor vehicle.

    Motor Insurance For:

    Individuals And Families

    Vehicles taken for private or personal use by their insured owners. Includes private cars, motorcycles and 3 wheelers.

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    Business Owners

    Covers vehicles for commercial or business use. Includes motorcycles, 3 wheelers, trailers, oil tankers, passenger carrying vehicles. Also includes special type vehicles.

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