Tel. +255 762 100 008 | P.O. Box 173, Arusha – Boma Rd, Clock Tower

  • WHY US?

    We design plans to build a “wall of protection” based on your needs. We begin with a thorough risk analysis and evaluation. We then look for the most reputable and the strongest insurer who can offer us the best package in the most cost effective way.

  • Have Questions?

    Fill out the form below and someone will get back to you shortly. Or visit our office on Boma road.

  • Reimbursement Claims

    Claims that are designed to be filled once an individual pays for his or her medical bills while the policy has already put on force.

    What is needed for one to be reimbursed:

    • Both signatures for the patient and the attending doctors on the claim form.
    • Fill in the claim form correctly
    • All the original receipts
    • Invoices where applicable
    • Laboratory/X-rays requests